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    Understanding financial regulation requires binding  legal and economic approaches. Beyond that, we should always consider the current state of affairs, in other words, the political context. Only at the crossroads of law, economics and politics can we understand what remains at stake. This is why my research focuses on the "functions of government and the ethical stakes of financial markets standards". 


Interdisciplinary scholar, Sabrina Abib has graduated in economics at the University Paris-Dauphine (a French top ranked university in Business & Finance), then she turned to Public Affairs where she obtained a Master while working within the economic and financial department at the French Presidency (also known as Palais de l'Elysée).  


  Witnessing the political and social aftermaths of the financial crisis led her to start a Ph.D on  regulation and ethics at the University Paris Sorbonne. Her year as a Ph.D scholar at the University of Columbia in the city of New York not only allowed her to broaden her views but has also allowed her to better compare the American and European regulatory systems dealing with the conceptualization of ethics. Sabrina Abib has presented in Paris, in November 2018, her dissertation within an International PhD Committee. 



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Tour à tour, gardien, régulateur et stratège, l'État est inséré, aujourd'hui à l'ère digitale, dans un monde fragmenté et global. Ce livre examine les modes d'action de l'État aujourd'hui en termes de cadrage et de contrôle de la sphère économique et financière.


Cette étude nous amène ainsi à étudier le concept de régulation à travers une approche épistémologique, juridique, économique et philosophique. En ce sens, nous constatons que l'analyse des fonctions de gouvernement peut s'avérer essentielle dans la mesure où nous assistons à l'évolution de la praxis régulatrice de l'État au regard des doctrines économiques et de l'architecture juridique et opérationnelle des institutions de régulation.


Dans cette réflexion, l'appréhension du risque par les pouvoirs publics montre donc certaines limites à la fois des modèles de risque et des modèles de régulation. Dans ce cadre, l'étude des enjeux éthiques et l'importance du concept de contextualisation en termes de moralisation des marchés financiers impliquent la confrontation de la praxis régulatrice avec les concepts-clés de gouvernementalité, de catégorisation et de performativité.

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2nd - 3rd April 2019
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    What does “regulation” mean today? This term enjoys a wide array of meanings. For the purpose of this study, we will suggest and rely on one specific definition. We acknowledge that in any event the link between the variety of definitions reflects a constraint or the standardization of a choice before a given order and a set of rules. In other terms, the interactions between the political arena and the economic and financial sphere, as well as the normative issues deriving from such interactions, must be analyzed.

     The political arena includes diverse regulatory bodies operating both at national (e.g. the French financial market regulatory authority AMF) and European Union levels through the European Central Bank. The economic and financial sphere refers to all activities involving trade in goods and services as well as manufacturing activities.


     Time and risk are the keys to controling the future. The short term markets are in conflict with the long term regulatory policy. If time can actually be considered as an economic resource, it can also be a biased random to establish the parameters of choice.  The approach to political uncertainty is often treated as a continuous space-time approach.

   From another perspective, finance has a more dynamic approach to short term risk. A work on financial transparency implies an underlying continuous T0 approach, both ex  ante and ex post. The challenge is to find a balance between the use of prospective calculations and the actor’s choice. This necessary long term legislative approach throught  the setting of the political agenda is facing a fluctuating approach of finance that involves a more flexible management of actors, particularly in terms of regulation. How risk of regulation can be explained in this case ?

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